

Cultural Evolution Society Conference 2024, Durham, 9 September 2024
Trust-based cultural transmission can form polarising group identities
Paper co-authored with Anandi Hattiangadi

Conference on Comples Systems 2024, Exeter, 4 September 2024
A theoretical framework for studying culture as a complex adaptive system
Several papers

Social Norms Conference, Ascona, 10 July 2024
A formalised systems approach  to norm dynamics
Several papers

16th Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology, Leipzig, 30 May 2024
Trust-based information filtering can form polarising group identities
Paper co-authored with Anandi Hattiangadi

Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Aarhus, 25 May 2024
Modelling cultural systems and their evolutionary consequences
Several papers

Cultural Evolution Society Conference 2022, Aarhus, 23 September 2022
Modelling Cultural Systems and Selective Filters
Several papers

International Conference on Social Dilemmas 2022, Copenhagen, 19 July 2022
Persuasion based on moral foundations and political ideology
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling

CBEN (The Cognition, Behavior & Evolution Network) 2019, Amsterdam, 15 November 2019
A systems approach to cultural evolution
Several papers

SPAS – International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Algebraic Structures, Västerås, 1 October 2019
Inferring social clustering from choice data
Paper co-authored with Gunn Birkelund and Mats Lillehagen

5th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Amsterdam, 20 July 2019
Moral foundations and opinion change
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

LEG2019: Learning, Evolution & Games Conference, Tel Aviv, 25 June 2019
Modelling cultural evolution through systemic properties
Several papers

12th Annual International Network of Analytical Sociology Conference, St Petersburg, 2 June 2019
Cultural evolution of sociological phenomena
Several papers

CBEN 2018 – Cultural Evolution, Antwerpen, 22 November 2018
Public opinion change explained by the moral psychology of liberals and conservatives
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

Applications in Cultural Evolution: Arts, Languages, Technologies, Tartu, 6 June 2018
Public opinion change explained by the moral psychology of liberals and conservatives
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, 15 September 2017
Trends in public opinion explained by the moral psychology of liberals and conservatives
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

17th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Taormina, 22 June 2017
Using peer influence to solve the social dilemma of workplace segregation
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

10th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, Oslo, 9 June 2017
Segregation within School Classes: Deriving Patterns of Social Exchange from Register Data
Paper co-authored with Gunn Birkelund

Beyond Schelling and Axelrod: Computational Models of Ethnocentrism and Diversity, Manchester, 7 June 2017
Hammond and Axelrod’s model is not useful for studying ethnocentrism
No co-authors [Extended abstract, slides]
What do our models really tell us and how do we “sell” them?
Panel member

Institute for Analytical Sociology Research Symposium, Åby, 13 June 2016
Moral Psychology Predicts Public Opinion Dynamics
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

9th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, Utrecht, 3 June 2016
Moral Psychology Predicts Public Opinion Dynamics
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

Social Interaction and Society, Zürich, 27 May 2016
Moral Psychology Predicts Public Opinion Dynamics
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Brighton, 27 June 2015
Segregation within School Classes: Deriving Social Ties from Register Data
Paper co-authored with Gunn Birkelund

International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Zürich, 12 July 2013
What Games Support the Emergence of Ethnocentrism?
No co-authors [PDF]

International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference, Stockholm, 8 June 2013
What Strategic Structures Support the Emergence of Ethnocentrism?
No co-authors

European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, Amsterdam, 27 March 2013
The Outcome of Merging Cultures
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling and Mikael Parkvall

European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, 14 July 2011
Trusting you trusting me: Recursive vs. generalised trust in the stag hunt/assurance game
Paper co-authored with Kimmo Eriksson

The International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Amsterdam, 9 July 2011
Trusting you, trusting me: The importance of beliefs about trust in the Stag Hunt/Assurance Game
Paper co-authored with Kimmo Eriksson

Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, 1 July 2011
The Outcome of Merging Cultures
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling and Mikael Parkvall

UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon, 6 November 2010
The Assignment Game with Negative Externalities and Bounded Rationality
Paper co-authored with Kimmo Eriksson and Thomas Vetander

Open or invited talks

Center for Mathematical Economics, Bielefeld University, 28 May 2024
Cultural evolution of belief systems and information filtering
Several papers

Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, 3 November 2022
Modelling cultural systems and their evolution – from individual filters to societal outcomes
Several papers

Artificial Intelligence Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 12 November 2019
A systems approach to cultural evolution
Several papers

Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, 13 December 2018
Segregation within School Classes: Inferring Social Clustering from Choice Data
Paper co-authored with Gunn E. Birkelund and Mats Lillehagen

Biomodelling meeting, Stockholm University, 5 December 2018
Modelling Cultural Evolution
General theory

Centre for Language Evolution, The University of Edinburgh, 21 February 2017
Modelling the Evolution of Creoles
Paper co-authored with Mikael Parkvall and Pontus Strimling

Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, 13 January 2017
The Moral Psychology of Liberals and Conservatives Can Predict Public Opinion Dynamics
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 5 July 2016
The Evolution of Common and Different Norms Between Groups
Several papers

Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 8 March 2016
The Influence of Social Consensus Information on Ethnoracial Workplace Preferences
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn, 12 January 2016
The Evolution of Common and Different Norms Between Groups
Several papers

Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University, 15 September 2015
Ethnic Homophily and Social Influence in Workplace Preferences
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, 15 April 2015
Ethnic Homophily and Social Influence in Workplace Preferences
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Norrköping, 4 December 2014
Ethnic Homophily and Social Influence in Workplace Preferences
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

Mälardalen University, Västerås, 22 February 2013
Modelling Two-Person Interactions Within and Between Cultural Groups
Dissertation defence

Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution, Stockholm, 3 October 2012
Modelling Two-Person Interactions Within and Between Cultural Groups
Mock dissertation defence

Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution, Stockholm, 16 January 2009
Om matematiska modeller för hur topplistor (t.ex. för låtar) utvecklas över tid
[On mathematical models of how toplists (e.g. for songs) develop over time]
Paper co-authored with Kimmo Eriksson and Jonas Sjöstrand


International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Leiden, 2 July 2024
Trust-based information filtering can form polarising group identities
Paper co-authored with Anandi Hattiangadi

9th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Copenhagen, 19 July 2023
A theoretical framework for studying culture as a complex adaptive system
Several papers

6th ESLR Workshop, Berlin, 3 July 2023
Filtered social learning and the emergence of belief systems
Several papers

2nd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science, Evanston, Illinois, 25–26 June 2016
Moral Psychology Predicts Public Opinion Dynamics
Paper co-authored with Pontus Strimling, Irina Vartanova and Kimmo Eriksson

International Conference for Computational Social Science, Helsinki, 10 June 2015
Ethnic Homophily and Social Influence in Workplace Preferences
Paper co-authored with Moa Bursell

European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, St Andrews, 6–8 April 2009
The Distribution of Cultural Preferences – How Often are Popular Traits Replaced?
Paper co-authored with Kimmo Eriksson and Jonas Sjöstrand

Guest lectures

Cultural Evolution: Theories and Observations, Stockholm University, 2021–2023
Modelling paradigms in cultural evolution
Norms as coordination equilibria
The emergence and dynamics of belief systems
Interdisciplinary master's level university course

The Science of Behavior, University of Agder, 2023
Modelling the cultural evolution of thinking and behaviour
PhD course in behaviour analysis

Human Behaviour: Biology and Culture, Stockholm University, 2014–2022
Mathematical Modelling of Human Behaviour
Master's level university course in biology

Psychology of Political Behavior, DIS Stockholm, 30 November 2018
Moral foundations and opinion change
Course in psychology for American students abroad

Archaeological Science I: Quantitative methods and statistics, Stockholm University, 19 & 21 November 2019
Linear and logistic regression
Undergraduate course in archaeological science


Eftermiddag, Swedish Radio P4 Sörmland, 30 April 2019
Veckans forskare (Researcher of the week, in Swedish)
Interview by Jessica W. Sandberg

Forskargrandprix (part of European Researchers' Night), 28 September 2018
Vart är vår moral på väg? (Where are our morals heading?, in Swedish)

Kollega, 20 December 2018
Vi ogillar olika på jobbet (We dislike diversity at work, in Swedish)

Institute for Futures Studies Podcast July 2015
Hur arbetstagare kan skapa arbetsplatssegregering (How employees can create workplace segregation, in Swedish)
Interview by Erika Karlsson

Riksdag & departement #15 2013
Demokrati kan gå snabbt (Democracy can come rapidly, in Swedish)
Written by Johan Granath

Weekendavisen #12 2012
Demokrati på bare 2,4 år (Democracy in only 2.4 years, in Danish)
Written by Joakim Jakobsen

Vetenskapsradion Forum, Swedish Radio P1, 5 December 2011
Plats för brott och tid för demokrati (Time for democracy, in Swedish)
Interview by Urban Björstadius